Your Voice is Your Power.

We’re out to help women in the UK, and around the world, take ownership of her story and create her own personal action oriented rallying cry for change in her community.

In our multi-day Empowered Storytelling workshop, we will use our unique blend of modern storytelling tools to develop an actionable "I Have a Dream" speech in film form for each woman involved, and provide her with the knowledge and support to help her go out into her community to use her voice to change the broken, toxic systems that keep women silent, disempowered, divided, and unequal.

We have received funding for a 3 session pilot program from The National Lottery Community Fund, and launched the series in our first workshop this January for Domestic Abuse Survivors at no cost. At the close of our pilot program, we will expand to work with women of all lived experience looking to make waves for gender equality in their communities and around the world.


Our Vision.

  • Part One: The Circle

    Drawn from the ancient, rich, and sacred tradition of women gathering in circles to communicate, connect, and pass information, our witness circle creates a safe, warm, and powerful space for women to share their stories and have those stores witnessed and held by other women with great care. We will craft our own ambitious personal visions for our biggest dreams for ourselves and the world and share them with the group. This experience bonds the group, helps us to understand everyone’s intention for being there, and creates a shared vision for the rest of the workshop.

  • Part Two: The Story

    While sharing your story and having it safely witnessed by a few trusted women is incredibly powerful and an integral part of healing and empowerment, the real magic lies in when you can take this story and craft it in a way which connects your story to the global collective and then use this story to form her own unique rallying cry to action out in the world.

    We draw on the storytelling framework developed by Harvard professor Marshall Ganz called Public Narrative, which is an exercise of self expression with the end game of motivating others to join you in action on behalf of a shared purpose, and what we use during our shoot interviews in order to structure our campaign film. It centers around three interlinked narratives: The story of now, the story of us, and the story of self.

    The story of self is centered around why you were called to the specific purpose to which you have been called to in life.

    The story of us is a collective story that illustrates the shared purposes, goals, vision of a collective.

    The story of now is about a challenge this collective is facing right now, the pressing choices it must make, and our hopes and dreams for change. The story of now is urgent, rooted in the values you celebrated in your story of self and us, and highlights how we can collectively take action against that which is threatening the values of the collective.

    The goal of developing your own personal Public Narrative is to identify pivotal, deeply meaningful moments of your own personal journey which shaped you, and ultimately led you to find your purpose. Then, to connect this personal experience to a greater universal experience, and use this connection to call upon people to join you in action around a collective goal.

    Together, through peer reviewed feedback rounds and coaching from our team, we will develop a script for your own Public Narrative which will become the base for your own personal platform for action-oriented, vulnerable, and courageous self expression.

    We’ll also teach you everything we know about starting a movement and use our collective brains and superpowers to brainstorm ideas on how to use your personal narrative to further your cause. You will work through defining your values, vision, and purpose, craft your mission statement, and develop a pitch that you can start using to take action straight away!

  • Part Three: The Creative

    With our story crafted, we need to bring it to visual life (that’s kind of our thing).

    Our team will take your Public Narrative script and record a video of your speech that you will use as the base of your future activism platform.

    We will then craft a conceptual portrait based on the theme of your Public Narrative, with all the floral bling we’re known for, and photograph your portrait.

  • Part Four: The Committment

    We will celebrate through a closing ceremony where every woman will write a commitment statement to herself and her community, a love letter if you will, to seal how she will use her personal narrative to make waves out in the world.

  • Part Five: The Community

    The women who experience this together will be your brain trust moving forward, as well as all the women who have gone before you and after you, and at the end of the workshop you’ll be brought into our private online community platform where you can stay connected with them, inspired, and motivated for all that is to come. This sisterhood of dreamers, change makers, and brave storytellers will have your back, help support your vision, and be there to cheer you on along the journey ahead.



Why Empowered Storytelling Workshops?

During our campaign photoshoots and film interviews, we noticed something extraordinary happening. Not only were the women in our shoots healing and finding strength right before our eyes through the act of sharing their deeply personal lived experience and having that story witnessed with love and care, but they were connecting with everyone in the room through that story, and inspiring every single person to take action in service of a collective passion and mission. And this happened in just under three hours. Every time.

And the effects didn’t stop there. 

One woman who suffered from a decade of insomnia-induced PTSD slept a 12 hour night because she finally felt safe within herself. One woman who was bullied for years and shrunk herself to stay hidden, found the confidence and courage to speak openly in her community to inspire other women to find their voice. One woman who spoke aloud her shame of not being able to protect her child for the first time, releasing the power this story had over her and her family and began to heal a deep wound which she never imagined would go away. And the stories go on, and on. And the effects continue to ripple out to every person these women’s lives touch - family, friends, and communities to a degree that we will never truly be able to see.

Our campaigns are an integral part of our mission not only for this experience, but for the important local and global visibility it gives to our work and mission. But the amount of resources it takes to execute this shoot and the campaign it produces makes it not realistic to carry out more than once a year. That said, we knew that having this kind of impact only once a year wasn’t enough for us. Because we were witnessing revelations and the spark of revolutions which would have an immeasurable impact. We were seeing women break intergenerational cycles of disempowerment, abuse, and shame. We watched, right before our eyes, as they struck down the societal and systemic forces which are designed to keep women silent. There was no denying by any person in the room that what we were doing needed to continue, and at scale.

But how do you bottle lighting? 

We knew there had to be a way to distill these incredible transformations that happened during those shoots and make them accessible to more women. We knew that what we accomplished in the few short hours we spent with these women could be magnified if we had a bit more time with them, and got them in a room with other women like them. We knew that if we removed the barrier of the months our team needed to spend editing a high-production campaign film with complex interwoven narratives and images, we could spend time together on the spot creating something tangible which the women could use directly without delay.

So we got to work breaking down all the elements which we had observed as key components in these transformations, our secret sauce if you will, and spent a whole lot of time researching existing tested modern and ancient methods which emulated ingredients in this sauce. Then, we combined them all together in a bit of a witch’s brew, and developed a unique framework to deliver this experience beyond the structure of our shoots. We are currently developing a series of digital tools and a two-day workshop where we replicate the experience of our shoot, but take it a step further to create a piece of media with which these women could immediately walk away from the experience and with this, take immediate action in their communities. Their very own courageous battle cry.

These tools and workshops will be free of charge to all women who participate, and their development, staffing, and execution will be supported by our fundraising efforts and sponsorships. We will begin the pilot workshops in London, and eventually expand to digital delivery and global in-person offerings.